Friday, June 21, 2019

Anytime Fitness Loudon (1987 Highway 72, Loudon, TN)
Take a moment to read Loudon ATF member Sande Jones Elkins’ Monday Motivation story. Our Ageless Fitness program not only can strengthen you physically, 💪🏼but strengthen you emotionally 😊as well. When is the last time someone has noticed your positivity? 
When I started working out with Josh Hensley, my trainer at AF in Loudon, I had hardly exercised at all for at least twenty years and I had been progressively putting on weight that entire time. I'd also suffered some major losses and had life changes that had left me lethargic and depressed. I had lost my enthusiasm for life and the things, people and activities that once brought me joy. I basically felt as if I'd been hiding out more than l had lived for at least the last five years or so. When I turned 63 back in November of last year, I decided that it was time for a change. It was time to get my life back. I decided to join the gym on the recommendation of my neighbor, Leesa. She'd been going there for almost a year and had made tremendous progress. I didn't hold out much hope that I would show that much improvement since she was already a much more active person than I was but I signed up for the Ageless Fitness program in January and decided to give it my all. Now, it is five months later and even I'm astounded by how far Josh has brought me. I'm leaner, I'm stronger, I'm more flexible. I have more energy and endurance. My health has improved, my blood pressure, which had been rocket high in the beginning, is now perfect. My confidence and self esteem is bolstered every time I run into someone I haven't seen in six months and they express amazement at how much I've slimmed up and how much healthier and happier I appear. But best of all, I have regained my life. I'm finding myself not just happier but actively participating in life again. The photo is of me hiking with my best bud, Bodie, this past weekend. I'm loving my life and loving myself and I have to thank Josh and the structured and personal workouts he's provided for the last five months for most of that. Thank you, Josh and thank you, Anytime Fitness-Loudon. I'm so happy that I made that decision to join your Ageless Fitness program; the results have been only positive and I keep improving every day.

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