Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Count Your Blessings

I’ve been frustrated lately because my progress in several areas of my life has been very slow. Yesterday was understandable since I’d had a sleepless night and I felt like a zombie. The day before that, I was compiling our taxes and I vow to be more organized with all of that this year. So, I have had some excuses for a few days but the fact remains, I’m not much farther ahead of all the tasks and projects that need doing today on February 12 than I was on January 12. The question I ask myself is not why but what can I do about it? I answered first with a journal. The journal I started yesterday is different from what I do here because it deals not with what I hope to do but rather how I’m feeling on each day and why. I guess, I’m trying to dig deep into my lethargy and not only figure out why I’m holding myself back but also do away with the excuses. Except for illness, I have no excuse that should keep me from accomplishing nothing in a day. I also add what I’m grateful for because it’s hard to feel down and thankful at the same time. Today, I was thankful for a good nights sleep and feeling so good. I was also grateful for the rain, odd as I know that sounds, because of the peace and tranquillity the sound of falling rain and the hushed, gentle light of a rainy day brings. 

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