Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Few Things That Need to Be Said

I should be working today because for the first time in a long time, I'm full of energy. I do have a lot planned but I had to take the time to talk to you all about a few things.
One, how much my energy lagged during those initial three weeks of training. I was so beat after the midday workouts that I accomplished little the rest of the day and the next day, if I didn't workout, I was still exhausted on oooh so sore. Yesterday, I told Josh from the get go that I wasn't feeling well. I wasn't really sick, I was just lethargic and achy and kind of blue. He started off gently with me but he didn't let me slack and he pushed me to do more than required when he knew I could...and I did. I left that workout feeling so energized and that energy lasted for the rest of the day.
Two, I was talking in my previous post about how much I've lost. Well, that is just on the scale. I honestly don't know how to calculate where I'm really at right now. In the past month, I've only lost two pounds on the scale but there is that 8% drop in body fat! There is the fourteen pounds of muscle I've gained...and since muscle weighs more than fat, I don't know how that translates. I have gone down three sizes in most of my clothes. Clothes that were tight are not any more and some t-shirts look like dresses now. I wore a form fitting top to my workout yesterday and I ran into a dear old friend that works out there every day and she mentioned how good I looked. That made me feel great. It's taking me a while to realize that I do look different. I've worked hard to stop caring about others opinions too because they can be biased but when someone is sweet enough to say something nice to me and to be obviously amazed by the change in me, I am so grateful. Velma, my health coach, tells me all of the time to be my own cheerleader and not to wait on validation from others. I do believe that's a necessity but, growing up in the South, we good Southern girls were taught that it is vanity to brag on yourself. So, I'm going against all my upbringing when I state that I am proud of myself because I've put in the work....lots of hard work. lol
Third point, a friend, Paul Julian, said to me today that we can not change until we mentally decide to change. To be honest, I've been miserable for a long time about not just my weight but my life in general. But Paul is so right. This one change, deciding to be selfish and a bit brave and invest some time, effort and money in myself, is going to have wide range consequences. This new found confidence (which is not a dirty word) is going to expand into all aspects of my life. I'm now feeling more positive that I can accomplish all of my goals. And my hope is, by sharing both my triumphs and struggles here, I can help others to find their new positive attitudes also.

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