Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Day 07

I envision a day coming when I can complete multiple tasks from various categories in a single day. I once was able to juggle like that, two hours with the horses, an hour working out and another walking the dog, house work done, art work completed, phone calls made and dinner on the table. These days I’m happy if I can accomplish one thing a day. Today, I detangled Mouse’s mane and tail and curried off all of that itchy winter hair. You have no idea how happy this made me....and her! It was warm today but there was enough breeze to keep us cool until Mousie wisely move us to the run in. Her tail (and Riley’s and Danny’s-they are next) was a mess. It took the entire afternoon but our patience and determination paid off. Now she has a silky tail to swish those flies with. She was so sweet and I remembered how much pleasure just being around her and the other horses brings to me. Joy!

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