Saturday, May 5, 2018

Day 03

I didn't accomplish everything that was on my list for yesterday. Let's be honest, it was a ridiculously ambitious list. Add to that the fact that I am now 62 not 32 and I haven't been as active or really worked out at all since my surgery last year and my slowness as well as my extreme soreness are both explained. I realized today how much exercise I was getting climbing up and down the ladder, reaching over my head to brush or roll on the paint, walking back and forth from the pantry to outside where I stirred the paint and cleaned up the roller and brushes. It's no wonder that by the time I walked the quarter mile to feed the horses last night, I was done in. I  came home, cleaned up my mess, took a long hot shower and went to bed.

Sleep is also usually an elusive goal. I fell asleep sometime between and 11pm and 12am and then woke up sick to my stomach at 3am. Three hours later, I finally dozed but wake at 7am and 8am when I finally got out of bed and started my day. So, I am not as peppy today as I was yesterday but still, I finished painting the pantry and I'm now assembling the shelves. I will try to get as much stuff moved to the pantry then as possible before I begin to wear down again.

I am not disappointed that I didn't finish that list because I have made more progress in the last two days than I have in a month. I'm finally finishing something. I'm great at planning projects and pretty good at starting them but very few are ever completed. That is one of the main reasons for me to try and live purposefully for an entire year. As long as I accomplish something each day, I consider that a win.

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