Thursday, March 7, 2019

Day 65

Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. This is day 65. 

I had my evaluation with Josh at the gym on Monday. He said I did great but I thought it was a mediocre showing after a month of struggle of one minor illness after another. I am feeling better now and I’m going to try hard to do my best with my health, weight loss and fitness goals. 

Although it was certainly down from my first evaluation, my resting pulse rate was high during the evaluation. I blame that on my social anxiety aka stage fright. I thought we would do the workout part of the evaluation, not thinking that, as my trainer, Josh is well aware of where I’m at physically. The anticipation of having to perform and be judged for it had my heart racing. I knew that 90 beats a minute was not my resting heart rate and also that my blood pressure was not normally as high as the evaluation showed. I saw my gastroenterologist yesterday because it’s that dreaded colonoscopy time again. My BP was great. I also purchased a pulse meter and my resting heart rate is around 70. I’m taking it with me to the gym today to see what my recovery rate is. Two minutes on the torture device called a rower should get my heart rate up high enough. I actually like that machine but honestly, if your intensity is high enough, two to three minutes is more of a workout than twenty minutes on the treadmill. 

I think I’m getting a handle on my nutrition and diet. I’ve been reading a lot and much of it is very contradictory. But recently, I’ve read two books which made far more sense than any of the others, The Obesity Code by Jason Fung, MD and Brain Body Diet by Sara Gottfried, MD. Brain Body Diet would be a beneficial read for anyone but it is specifically speaking to women and our unique needs.  It is also about the link between brain and body health as well as, emotional/cognitive and physical health.  I think we all are aware of this link on some level but both individuals and medical professionals, for the most part, choose to ignore it or,at least, are not fully aware of the importance of it. Our brains only count for about 2% of our weight but require 20% of our caloric energy to function. Knowing that, it just makes sense, if we aren’t fueling our body properly, we are not going to function properly physically or mentally. So, I’m going to implement the books diet guidelines for the next month, as suggested and we’ll see if I’m not only thinner by my next evaluation but also performing better both physically and mentally. I’ll try to write more on this tomorrow and include a synopsis of the book’s suggested diet and lifestyle changes but I’m out of time for today. I hope you all are having a wonderful day, have considered what those three things you are most grateful for today and are progressing on your own journey to optimum health and life. ❤️ you all, Sande!

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