Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Different Kind of Diet

Despite the fact that AT&T keeps telling me my screen time is down, I’ve finally realized just how much of my day social media, net browsing and games eat up.  And we haven’t even begun to discuss my other vice, TV. So, today I start another diet (this blog withstanding) by limiting my screen time drastically. When I tell you what those limitations are, I’m sure many will see even those times as excessive but I think I will be surprised by how restricting electronic interference will free up my time and energy. Here is the plan:

Games: 30 minutes overall and no more than 15 minutes playing Candycrush. The exception will be Words With Friends which I can play when I’m waiting somewhere and can do little else. Some games may be eliminated eventually but these restrictions should help to break their hold on me. 

Social Media: Twenty to thirty minutes total and that includes Instagram and Pinterest. So, I had better use my Facebook time wisely. 

Internet browsing: only when it has a specific reason such as online banking, research or necessary shopping. 

TV: This only applies to sitting and watching. I can still have Pandora playing in the background as I do other things. And I hope to start exercising, especially using the eliptical, while watching my favorite shows. Otherwise, lazy watching shall be restricted to no more than two hours a day and that’s just in case we have a movie night which is rare. 

I’m hoping, when I’m accomplishing more and don’t always seem to be short on time or exhausted from lack of sleep, I will realize how beneficial this diet is. 

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