Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Little Rain Must Fall

Yesterday was the first really difficult day I’ve had since I started this fitness quest.  I’ve started warming up on the rower because Josh told me it was the best full body workout I could get from the machines. He told me to start off slow and steady and only to do 2-3 minutes before our workout session but you know me.  That seemed like a ridiculously small number so I kept pushing on and as for slow and steady, I insisted that I keep the calorie burn number above 800....two huge mistakes especially since my workout with Josh that followed was all about core. I was sore by bedtime and barely slept because of it. Getting in and out of bed was excruciating. I made it okay the next morning but I was still terribly sore. Then, while making my lunch, I started sneezing and something happened in my lower abdomen. By the time I finished lunch, the pain was awful. I knew it was too late for ice so I heated a wet towel in the microwave to make a heating pad and I was lying in bed, holding that on the offended muscles until time to feed the horses. It helped and the ibuprofen did as well. I took two more Ibuprofen and a magnesium tablet at bed time and I rolled on some essential oil that Steve’s friend’s wife mixed up for me. I ended up getting the best night’s sleep I’ve had in weeks. I’m still sore this morning but it no longer feels like someone is trying to rip my guts out. I think I’ll take it easy again today but hopefully, I won’t be spending most of it reclined and clutching a heating pad. 

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