Sunday, January 27, 2019


I may have mentioned that my niece is becoming a certified yoga teacher. Yesterday, she led the first of four free classes that are a requirement of her certification. I use to practice yoga daily but I didn't realize how many years that had been until I started attempting to twist my body into positions that looked easy when Kim did them. She's very good at her job though because she offered all of us gentle adjustments and taught us how to use the props to make our bodies more comfortable in these unfamiliar shapes.
When I arrived at the class, I wasn't feeling well at all. I'd been sick the day before and I'd had to reschedule my last session with Josh, the personal trainer at the gym where I'm enrolled in a senior fitness program. My new session with him was the morning of the day that I had Kim's yoga class at noon. I evidently wasn't as recovered from the previous day as I thought. I nearly made it through the entire session but no quite. I was so exhausted when I was leaving the gym that my hair was soaking wet...I swear there were icicles  before I got home...and I managed to pull on someone else's jacket. The funny part about that is that, when I reached in the pocket to pull out my keys, I also found an inhaler in my hand. The even funnier part of the story, it took my several minutes to realize I was wearing the wrong coat instead of thinking that someone had stuck their inhaler in my coat pocket. I don't think anyone noticed....I hope. One good thing about the gym, everyone is so intent on themselves that they don't notice other people. But the fact remained, I was beyond exhausted, I was spent and my muscles, which still had to walk over to feed the horses, were trembling. So, when time rolled around to go to Kim's class, I still wasn't recovered from my earlier workout. Still, I couldn't miss her first class and I went on thinking the first day had to be easy. Well, it was all ground work thank goodness but the stretches really pushed me and that turned out to be a good, no great thing. After the yoga class, I felt not only rested but energized! My body was feeling the stretches but I didn't go back home to lie down and lick my wounds in front of the TV as I'd planned. Instead, I went shopping and ran errands which I'd hoped to do after the class but had been sort of doubtful of before. So, the bottom line is: I can't wait for Kim to start her regularly scheduled classes in March, I'm looking forward to next week's standing class and I'm excited that the gym that is hosting her classes is not five minutes away from my door!
And have I mentioned how proud I am of her? She's going to be so successful at this and she's doing it because yoga has helped her so much and she wants to share that feeling of balanced mind and body with others.

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