Thursday, January 17, 2019

For the first time, I'm dreading my training session with Josh at Anytime Fitness. It doesn't have anything to do with the workout itself which I've found challenging but enjoyable so far and I'm starting to see little improvements which is great. But I just do not feel great today and my knee is wonky. Pain shoots down the inside of my left knee every time I put weight on it or pivot or bend it and even when I bend over from the waist and keep it straight. It's not horrible but it also feels odd, almost like something in there is popping in and out. It's stiff and well, just wonky. I still plan to go in early today as Jay suggested last time I was there so I can warm up on the treadmill and with stretches. Maybe that will help. I tried working out to a video on Amazon but the knee just wasn't cooperating....there were a lot of squats and kicks and neither felt very good. I'm not giving up. This is just one day and one glitch. Tomorrow, I will probably wake up feeling great! And tomorrow is my sweetie Steve's birthday. Sixty-fifth, can you believe it? I can't because most of the time he does act or move like he's mid sixties now but, like me and my wonky knee and sleepless night, he does have days that I'm sure he feels those years. But tomorrow is a new day for us both and for all of us. And I'm still not giving up on this Thursday despite the knee, the rain which is turning to sleet and the fact that I still haven't finished cleaning the kitchen up....I woke up at 2am with the knee and did half the dishes while preparing Steve's lunch and then left the other half while I lay down at 6am and slept nearly two more hours. Still doesn't feel like enough sleep or maybe that's just this grey day. Well, just back from feeding the horses and I have twenty minutes to get ready and leave for the gym. Then I have an appointment for a hair cut this afternoon. It will be a busy-ish day and I'm in a lazy-ish mood but I'd better start moving. Whether you're energetic or lazy today, enjoy every moment and live with purpose.

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