Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Doing the Impossible

Well, it's the start of a new year and new opportunities to reach those healthy goals. I'm staying on track with my diet. I'm two months in and I've lost 22 pounds so far. I still worry about how I will maintain the weight loss once I end the Keto diet. I'm thinking, I may still restrict all starchy carbs and try to be moderate with the fruit that I love but still add in more vegetables and fruit. I'm still losing weight and I am more active but I've yet to establish an exercise habit. I did order a few dance exercise dvds and I hope to get started on those soon when life settles back to a post holiday normal. I really enjoy using dance as an exercise. It's fun and energizing. I probably wouldn't have had the idea to do that if it wasn't for Earnestine Shepherd. I know I've mentioned her before, she's the world's oldest female body builder at 80+! The most amazing thing about that is, she never exercised a day in her life, avoided it like the plague, until she was 55! How did she start her exercise regime?....Dance. She started with just ten minutes a day which will be a good start for me as well. Yes, I could do more but in the past, I've always pushed myself right at go and ended up overdoing and burning out early. So, if I want this to be a life long habit and I do, I will try starting slow and building slowly until I reach my optimum number of minutes. I know that being active and having an exercise habit will cause my energy to multiply. Ms Earnestine is proof of that. Google her to find out more of her incredible story.

The image is from a coloring book that I published this time last year based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This drawing is, Six Impossible Things by Breakfast. If you're familiar with the Alice books, that is what the Queen of Hearts says we are capable of at least imagining. Some days, I feel it is impossible to accomplish even the simplest tasks. So, if that is the case, I feel that, when I do even one thing, I've accomplished the impossible. Let me tell you, that way of seeing life makes you feel pretty darn good about yourself and will spur you on to accomplish even more. I mean, if you can accomplish the impossible, what can't you do?

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