Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Day 99

I'm struggling lately. I can make excuses. We are cutting hay again. That always seems to throw any schedule or habit I'm trying to establish off track. I've had a lot of obligations to friends who need help, rides etc. I tried to make up for three days without exercise by doing a hundred squats on Sunday and then, I drove the old tractor all afternoon while we picked weeds out of the hay. That means a lot of stop and go with brakes I have to stand on to get them to work. In other words, my legs felt like jelly and hurt all day Monday. I'm behind on everything and in addition to the hay, I have two appointments of my own this week and one I'm driving a friend to and food to buy and prepare for the hay crew. So, just a typical week around here but what I haven't done is exercise or kept my food diary. What I have done is indulged in junk food and fatty take out and just plain over ate. I know this is just a bump in the road and I will get back on schedule and back on track but I am so disappointed in myself.

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