Saturday, May 26, 2018

Days 21 and 22

I’m determined to keep up these posts even when there is not much to write. Yesterday, Dale, our farrier, arrived at 8am to trim the horses hooves. Our alarm didn’t go off so I’d had only an hour for breakfast, shower and gathering all of the ropes and halters which always seem to get scattered and lost despite my best efforts.  It didn’t help that I had again had a night of restless sleep, partially because of the steroids but mostly because my lower left back had been hurting since the night before. I was running on empty before the day started. Thank goodness Steve was here. He had other plans but he stayed to help. He held the horses for Dale while I attempted to chase down and halter Riley. Finally, with Dale’s help, the last horse was haltered and trimmed. I started feeling rough before Dale left. I know that is a relative term considering this week but this was different, this was my stomach and an entirely new problem. It seemed to go away by the time we reached the house so I chalked it up to hunger. I fixed lunch and after we ate, I told Steve I was crashing. The lack of sleep and everything else had caught up with me. So, I slept the afternoon away but instead of waking up feeling better, I woke to pain in my gut and an upset stomach. That eventually passed but last night, excuse me for talking about this, I was up to pee twelve times. I don’t know if my body is ridding itself of toxins or what but I’m now so dehydrated my skin is tenting and my mouth is parched. My head is also in a vice of a headache. As soon as I eat, I will take some aspirin and hopefully salvage something from this day. Despite everything, this is the best I’ve felt all week. Lol Seriously, I do feel like I’m rounding the bend with all of this. 

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