Thursday, May 3, 2018

Day 01

Thanks to the idea of starting a blog/diary, I'm getting a late start on my day. Actually, I got a late start before that.
Our alarm goes off at 3:00 a.m. Yes, that isn't a typo. My husband works four-ten hour days each week. He actually works more most weeks but the long days means a very early start. It also means an early bedtime. I try to get up when Steve does or at  least by 3:30 or 4:00 but lately, I haven't been very successful at that goal. The main obstacle to being an early riser is my difficulty falling asleep and even more of a problem staying asleep. I usually go to sleep around 10PM and wake again sometime between midnight and 1AM. If I don't manage to fall back to sleep before Steve gets up, which is often, I usually stay up until he leaves at 4:30. Then I fall asleep and sleep the missed three to four hours which has me waking at 7:30 usually. I know that doesn't sound too late but by the time I have breakfast, do those morning have to's like brushing my teeth and hair and hopefully not confusing the two, I have to walk the dog and feed the horses. I always plan to actually get out the door by 6AM this time of year before the heat sets in so that it is more comfortable on both me and the horses and I have time to groom, ride and play with them. So far, that has not happened but it is my goal over the next month to do that. I'd also like to spend that hour after Steve leaves exercising but for starters, I'm going to try to start with just ten minutes and build up.
Today, I was very slow getting started and I also needed to haul water to the horses (I drive over a 30 gallon tank since we don't have "city" utilities over there yet.) I usually walk the quarter mile to the horse pasture and take the dog with me so I'm accomplishing two tasks at once. But then, I'm not enjoying either task so that is another goal, quality time for both them and me.
As soon as I finished all of those outside tasks and came back to the house, I started working on this blog. It is now 2PM and I haven't had lunch. So, my afternoon goals for today are:

1) lunch
2) finish cleaning and prepping pantry for painting
3) do all of the dishes that have piled up
4) get the first coat of paint on the pantry
5) start dinner
6) dinner
7) second coat of paint in the pantry
8) walk the dog/feed and water the horses
9) update this blog to let you know how I did

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