Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Holiday Temptations

Day 183 and Day 43 on the Keto diet:

And I’m down 18 lbs. since October 22!! Yay!

I’m just beginning to get back to a normal schedule after my sweet Bubs cat’s lengthy illness. I still have some anxiety over the transition from head cone and restricted movement to total freedom for him. He hid most of yesterday in the basement but I checked on him as soon as I returned home yesterday and his food was mostly eaten. He turned his nose up at breakfast but I think his life was so regimented for the last three weeks that he’s having trouble adjusting to a new normal also. 

I haven’t exercised today and don’t know if I will fit that in but I do plan on keeping track of my diet again with the Keto app. Since we eat breakfast very early, I’m ready for a snack around the time most people are eating their first meal. Yesterday, I picked up some spicy pimento cheese and I’m eating it atop fresh sweet peppers. It was time to change up the diet a bit. I was beginning to get bored with the same old same old. Last night, I made cheese smothered garlic chicken breasts and pesto spaghetti squash for dinner. This morning, I added sautéed garlic spinach to our eggs and bacon. I have to admit, although I never seem to get cravings at home and often have to remind myself to eat, going to the grocery store and smelling all of the delectable holiday goodies is so tempting. But I’ve avoided any indulgences so far. Still, I think any edible gifts I’ve purchased need to be wrapped right away! Lol

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