Sunday, January 6, 2019

Broader Horizons

We drove up to the missing link of the Foothills Parkway, which of course is no longer missing, this morning. There are such beautiful vistas and much of the Parkway hangs off the side of the mountains offering a very wide view. It was lovely even though it took longer than anticipated. That section of Parkway, from Walland to Wears Valley, is only about 17 miles and the drive to Walland is an hour at most but we took a “short cut” recommended by a friend of Steve’s. I don’t think his advice was faulty but our sense of direction was. We took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up back in Maryville instead of at the Eastern end and start of the Parkway. So, instead of the promised beautiful views, we saw subdivisions and jiffy marts. Oh, well; it was still lots of fun. And we eventually did make it to Walland and it was well worth the extra mikes it took us to get there. 

This new year is starting off so much more positively than last. Last year, Steve’s mother passed away after a short illness. Her passing came two days before Steve’s birthday on January 18.  Two weeks later, a cousin we had watched grow up passed suddenly and unexpectedly. It was not a joyful month. Myself, I was at my highest weight and grateful for winter’s layers for hiding some of it. I felt lethargic and depressed most of the time. 

This year it seems everyone is doing much better. Two of my nieces are launching new businesses. I’m so very proud of both of them and their courage. My friend, Ginny, and I are making great strides in our household decluttering. Steve got a new tractor which will help make farm life easier. He and I are also making plans to finally make some major changes on our home in 2019. I’m also constructing a business plan for when I finally get back to work on my art and other creative endeavors. I’m just feeling so positive about the coming year. Oh, and did I fail to mention that, since this time last year, I’ve lost over 34 pounds?! Yay!

I’ve been making other plans also. My friend and neighbor, Leesa, invited me to try out the 24 hour fitness gym that she uses. I plan to sign up this Tuesday. I think that getting myself on a regular exercise schedule will benefit all areas of my life and enable me to actually get more done. And of course there is that healthier, fitter and possibly slimmer benefits. Also, in February, my niece, Kim is going to become a certified yoga instructor and the gym she will be teaching at is not five minutes from my house. I’m excited for her and for myself! 

I really believe 2019 will be the year I become the me I am meant to be and I hope that’s true for all of you as well. 

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