Thursday, August 2, 2018

Day 86

This has not been my week. 

Monday, I almost pass out while the vet is floating Mouse’s teeth and no, it wasn’t a reaction to the dental drill. 

Tuesday started great and then Danny stepped on me and ground my little toe into the dirt. Monday was spent being sick and Tuesday, with my foot wrapped with ice. 

Wednesday, I had on again-off again stomach problems which I blamed on a suspicious meatball I’d eaten the previous afternoon. I couldn’t remember when I made the meatball but my questions about it’s freshness were answered last night. I was sick all night long. Finally found some medicine to check it early this morning and have managed to grab a few hours sleep. Although, I have to say.....

Thursday’s prospects are not looking so hot. Forget my planned trip to visit my friend, Jane. She just had surgery so she doesn’t need me around just in case I’m wrong about this being food poisoning. Also, I don’t really feel up to driving anywhere so there goes errands I thought I might do after visiting her. In fact, I don’t really think this will be a very productive day since I’m still tired and my stomach feels like someone used it for a punching bag. Unless I improve drastically, I doubt I will complete my exercise goals for today. But that’s okay. This will pass and I still have what I hope will be an uneventful Friday to look forward to. 

And I’ve learned a valuable lesson, never eat anything when you have no idea how old it is. It may look fine but it could be masking its age like a movie star. 

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