So sorry for another lengthy silence. I have to report to Velma tomorrow and although I always enjoy talking to her, I haven’t had a lot of success this week. I have lost over two pounds but not by any effort I can lay claim to. My gut is bothering me. I know I must sound like a major hypochondriac. It seems all I’ve done for the last three months is complain about one ailment or the other but this current gripe has a cause that points out the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. A few weeks ago, we attended a family reunion. We were asked to bring soft drinks. No one drank the soft drinks. Steve doesn’t drink them either so, I felt it my duty not to waste them. Really only half joking there because that was my reasoning but honestly, I love them. But as my husband pointed out, it would have been better to have lost the few dollars they cost than the time consumed by the ailments that followed their consumption. I was soldiering through the pain for the most part but still getting little done because of the fatigue that accompanied it. Today, the pain is worse and constant and feels like my gut is attacking me. All because I drank all of that Diet Dr Pepper two weeks ago. I hardly think it was worth it.